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There are always more stories

When you think you have run out of things to put in your story bank, there are lots different angles to look at the stories of your family or community to stay inspired. Here are some ideas for you.


Write down all the recipes you learned as a child and post them along with photos of the finished product – or even each step if you’re feeling ambitious! Then talk to your family and get their favourite recipes and add them. Encourage people to comment on their memories of the dishes and experiences of following your recipes.

Draw a family tree

Sketch out a family tree, scan it and upload it as a post.

Pick a theme

Choosing a theme can spark your memory and make you remember stories you forgot you knew. Theme suggestions: first words, in-laws,  hobbies, weddings, brothers and sisters, awkward moments, family holidays, school days, family firsts.

Historical research

Research the time periods that your grandparents lived in. Everyday facts like how long it took to get somewhere in a horse and cart rather than by car are illuminating. See if you can find out things like did people have to sew all their own clothes? Did they get shoes made? What was housework like? What was an office like? What was work like? Things have changed so much in the last two or three generations that even living memories are gold mines of different worlds.

Composite posts

Collect those anecdotes you thought were too short and put them altogether in a “collected vignettes” post.

Good luck!

Image credit: Thinking by Jacob Bøtter under a Creative Commons Attribution licence

July 4th, 2011 by Sarah Jansen
Filed in: For Community
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Zahmoo is a story bank for collecting and sharing your family and business stories.